A rendering of Psalm 78, which looks back on Israel’s history of disobedience in an effort to learn covenant loyalty to God through remembering him and trusting him in all situations.

A rendering of Psalm 78, which looks back on Israel’s history of disobedience in an effort to learn covenant loyalty to God through remembering him and trusting him in all situations.
A rendering of Psalm 40, where David remembers God’s faithfulness in the past and asks for it again in his current problem.
Going to church is becoming less and less of a basic Christian practice, making our discipleship anemic. For years, I have heard people say, “We don’t go to church; we are the church.” In one way, that’s […]
One of our sanest writers is Wendell Berry. His contribution as a Christian essayist to the environmental movement has been unique and profound. His poetry, especially his Sabbaths collection, is evocative and wise. But it’s his […]