A rendering of Psalm 134, which calls on those who do the menial jobs of taking care of the sanctuary to use that time to pray and praise.

A rendering of Psalm 134, which calls on those who do the menial jobs of taking care of the sanctuary to use that time to pray and praise.
A rendering of Psalm 132, which soaks in the joy of God’s covenant with King David., establishing the kingship and the Zion temple.
A rendering of Psalm 131, which pops the ego bubble, seeking contentment in God.
A rendering of Psalm 130, where the light of a new dawn offers hope that Yahweh will bring a new day during a dark time of life.
(A song for pilgrims on the road up to Zion.) All of you Living in a God-ward direction, Living the life he gave you In the way he gave it to be lived Are living […]
A rendering of Psalm 129, a prayer that those who have pushed us around will go away and never bother us again.
A rendering of Psalm 127, which considers the value of work and rest and the the greatest legacy you can ever have: kids.
A rendering of Psalm 126, reflecting on the joy of those returned from exile, looks forward to God turning current crying into future laughing because of how God will turn things right-side up again.
A rendering of Psalm 125, which envisions God surrounding his people, protecting them so that they don’t resort to the bad behavior our leaders often exhibit.
A rendering of Psalm 124, reflecting on God’s faithfulness to help when we were in a powerless position and fearing the worst.
A rendering of Psalm 123, which looks to God for favor in a culture where we experience so much contempt.