Between the cross and the empty tomb Are the hours Of a strange Sabbath, A brutal pause, A death-filled rest, A peace-less peace. This is where we live our lives: One long Holy Saturday, Where […]

Between the cross and the empty tomb Are the hours Of a strange Sabbath, A brutal pause, A death-filled rest, A peace-less peace. This is where we live our lives: One long Holy Saturday, Where […]
Emptiness echoes everywhere. I walk hospital halls Empty of visitors, Passing rooms Empty of patients Who have delayed their operations Till better days. I pass by parks With yellow taped play structures Empty of children, […]
A rendering of the final stanza of Psalm 119, where each verse starts with the Hebrew letter Taw (verses 169-176). A further exploration into hearing the Voice of God.
A rendering of the 21st stanza of Psalm 119, where each verse starts with the Hebrew letters Sin or Shin (verses 161-168). A further exploration into hearing the Voice of God.
A rendering of the 20th stanza of Psalm 119, where each verse starts with the Hebrew letter Resh (verses 153-160). A further exploration into hearing the Voice of God.
A rendering of the 19th stanza of Psalm 119, where each verse starts with the Hebrew letter Qoph (verses 145-152). A further exploration into hearing the Voice of God.
A rendering of the 18th stanza of Psalm 119, where each verse starts with the Hebrew letter Tsadhe (verses 137-144). A further exploration into hearing the Voice of God.
A rendering of the 17th stanza of Psalm 119, where each verse starts with the Hebrew letter Pe (verses 129-136). A further exploration into hearing the Voice of God.
A rendering of the 16th stanza of Psalm 119, where each verse starts with the Hebrew letter Ayin (verses 121-128). A further exploration into hearing the Voice of God.
A rendering of the 15th stanza of Psalm 119, where each verse starts with the Hebrew letter Samekh (verses 113-120). A further exploration into hearing the Voice of God.
A rendering of the thirteenth stanza of Psalm 119, where each verse starts with the Hebrew letter Mem (verses 97-104). A further exploration into hearing the Voice of God.
A rendering of the twelfth stanza of Psalm 119, where each verse starts with the Hebrew letter Lamedh (verses 89-96). A further exploration into hearing the Voice of God.
A rendering of the eleventh stanza of Psalm 119, where each verse starts with the Hebrew letter Kaph (verses 81-88). A further exploration into hearing the Voice of God.
A rendering of the tenth stanza of Psalm 119, where each verse starts with the Hebrew letter Yodh (verses 73-80). A further exploration into hearing the Voice of God.
A rendering of the ninth stanza of Psalm 119, where each verse starts with the Hebrew letter Teth (verses 65-72). A further exploration into hearing the Voice of God.
A rendering of the seventh stanza of Psalm 119, where each verse starts with the Hebrew letter zayin (verses 49-56). A further exploration into hearing the Voice of God.
A rendering of the sixth stanza of Psalm 119, where each verse starts with the Hebrew letter was (verses 41-48). A further exploration into hearing the Voice of God.
A rendering of Psalm 119:57-64 (each verse starting with the Hebrew letter Heth), which continues an immersion into a life lived in response to the Voice of God.
A rendering of Psalm 119:33-40 (each verse starting with the Hebrew letter He), which continues an immersion into a life lived in response to the Voice of God.
A rendering of the 14th stanza of Psalm 119, where each verse starts with the Hebrew letter nun. Here, the psalmist pushes through rejection by the cultured haters of faith.
A rendering of Psalm 119:25-32 (each verse starting with the Hebrew letter daleth), which continues an immersion into a life lived in response to the Voice of God.
A rendering of the third stanza of Psalm 119, where each verse starts with the Hebrew letter gimel. Here, the psalmist pushes through rejection by the cultured haters of faith.
A rendering of Psalm 148, which calls on all creation to praise God and then watches as God shares his strength with his people.
A rendering of Psalm 147, which worships God for his Word that brings life to the natural world and life to our souls.
A rendering of Psalm 145, which praises God for his kindness and compassion to all humanity and all creation, leading to a response of praise.
A rendering of Psalm 138, which thanks God for his love that considers the lowly in the face of gods and kings.
A rendering of Psalm 144, which considers the role God has in shaping a happy, prosperous nation.
A rendering of Psalm 141, which asks God for help avoiding temptation with the help of a kindly slap in the face.
A rendering of Psalm 140, seeking God’s help from violent and slanderous people.
A rendering of Psalm 137, a graphic and painful desire for revenge from a disheartened exile longing for ruined Jerusalem.
A rendering of Psalm 136, which tells of creation and salvation with the refrain “His relentless love never stops” 26 times, driving home the point that everything God does emerges from his tenacious love.
A rendering of Psalm 135, a call to praise the real God who created the world and is actively involved in the world, unlike the empty concepts of “God” people make for themselves.
A rendering of Psalm 134, which calls on those who do the menial jobs of taking care of the sanctuary to use that time to pray and praise.
A rendering of Psalm 132, which soaks in the joy of God’s covenant with King David., establishing the kingship and the Zion temple.
A rendering of Psalm 131, which pops the ego bubble, seeking contentment in God.
A rendering of Psalm 130, where the light of a new dawn offers hope that Yahweh will bring a new day during a dark time of life.
(A song for pilgrims on the road up to Zion.) All of you Living in a God-ward direction, Living the life he gave you In the way he gave it to be lived Are living […]
A rendering of Psalm 129, a prayer that those who have pushed us around will go away and never bother us again.
A rendering of Psalm 127, which considers the value of work and rest and the the greatest legacy you can ever have: kids.
A rendering of Psalm 126, reflecting on the joy of those returned from exile, looks forward to God turning current crying into future laughing because of how God will turn things right-side up again.
A rendering of Psalm 125, which envisions God surrounding his people, protecting them so that they don’t resort to the bad behavior our leaders often exhibit.
A rendering of Psalm 124, reflecting on God’s faithfulness to help when we were in a powerless position and fearing the worst.
A rendering of Psalm 123, which looks to God for favor in a culture where we experience so much contempt.
A rendering of Psalm 22, a prayer for the peace of Jerusalem, whose name means City of Peace and home to Yahweh’s temple.
A rendering of Psalm 120, a prayer of helplessness by someone longing for peace but living among people clamoring for war and whose words are violent.
A rendering of Psalm 118, which looks forward to the celebration parade for salvation he’s expecting from God.
A rendering of brief Psalm 117, which praises God for his love and faithfulness to all people, not just his favorites.
A rendering of Psalm 116, exuberant in gratitude for being saved by God from certain death.
A rendering of Psalm 115, which considers the truth that we become like the “God” we worship, so we’d better worship the loving and powerful God and not some lifeless “God” of our own creation.
A rendering of Psalm 114, which sees the Exodus through a creative lens, as if the creation itself was being playful as it aided God’s people in their escape from Egypt.
A rendering of Psalm 113, which considers the greatness of God and yet his willingness to be involved in the lives of those who are the least and the last of us.
A rendering of Psalm 112, which sees the best king of life lived by those who orient their lives toward God and intentionally copy what God does.
A rendering of Psalm 111, which considers the fear of the Lord (a life oriented toward God) in response to his covenant loyalty.
A rendering of Psalm 110, a Messianic psalm that looks forward to the coming of the Messiah to bring final judgment to the earth.
A rendering of Psalm 109, a painfully angry prayer, asking God to take over the revenge boiling over within him.
(A David psalm for singing.) My heart won’t quit, God, Won’t get distracted. I’m here to sing. Yes, to make music, To give you my utmost. Wake up, piano! Wake up, guitar! I will wake […]
A rendering of Psalm 107, which considers the mercy-love of God that intervenes for us when we pray in the middle of our troubles.
A rendering of Psalm 106, which looks back on how kind and forgiving God was to the ever-rebelling Hebrews during the Exodus and asks for the same mercy during the current sin-caused predicament.
A rendering of Psalm 105, which retells the story of the patriarchs and the Exodus as a reminder of God’s covenant loyalty to his people.
(A David psalm.) Bless Yahweh, soul within me. Bless Yahweh, every cell within my body. Yes! Bless Yahweh, soul within me. Don’t for a moment forget How good you’ve got it because of him. He […]
A rendering of Psalm 100, a favorite call to worship which reminds us that thanksgiving — the gift of thanks — is an everyday activity.
A rendering of Psalm 101, which sees what’s wrong in the world around but then looks inward — to home life and what the eyes look at — to seek change.
A rendering of Psalm 99, which considers how we might re-center our lives around God if we took his kingship seriously.
A rendering of Psalm 97, in which an electrical storm is compared to Yahweh’s justice breaking though the darkness and bringing light to the world, something our false concepts of “God” never do.
A rendering of Psalm 98, which is a call for all creation to join in a vast exclamation of praise to Yahweh who has remained faithful to his covenant love-bond with his people.
A rendering of Psalm 89, with struggles with a firm belief in the power and covenant loyalty of Yahweh and the reality of what looks like an abandonment of that covenant by Yahweh.
A rendering of Psalm 94, which calls on God to act as Judge, taking charge of revenge on those who trample the vulnerable and poor.
A rendering of Psalm 92, the Sabbath psalm, which looks forward to the setting right of all that’s upside down in the world when the ultimate Sabbath comes.
A rendering of Psalm 96, which envisions all creation worshiping Yahweh as he comes to bring justice to the earth.
A rendering of Psalm 95, which offers two options in how we relate to God: Either as our Maker we’re grateful to or as the one we complain about, leaving us restless and empty.
A rendering of Psalm 93, which highlights the majesty of God over against the chaotic power of the oceans, a seemingly unstoppable force for disorder in the ancient world.
A rendering of Psalm 91, a psalm of confidence in God, who will match our love for him with protection and happiness. While it may come across as simplistic, don’t forget that it is surrounded by lament psalms to which is offers a balance of sorts.
A rendering of Psalm 90, which is amazed at God’s immortality but struggles with our fleeting mortality, feeling it’s because God is angry with us.
A rendering of Psalm 87, which surprisingly lists Israel’s ancient enemies as being born in Zion, God’s home city, including them among his people.
A rendering of Psalm 85, which looks to Yahweh to restore his people like he did in the past and envisioning the characteristics of the good life as characters welcoming God home to live with us.
A rendering of Psalm 82, which looks at all of the injustice caused by those who should be ensuring justice and then looks to God to be the Judge the poor and vulnerable need.
A rendering of Psalm 83, where a long list of Israel’s enemies plot together in an unholy alliance. Headed in their current direction, they’ll be destroyed. But what if they were converted instead?
A rendering of Psalm 86, a prayer to live a whole-hearted life oriented toward God in the midst of a personal crisis.
A rendering of Psalm 81, which emphasizes listening which leads to obedience and wonders what would be different if God’s people actually listened and obeyed. We’d finally be satisfied.
A rendering of Psalm 80, which uses the image of a vine to represent God’s people and asks for help from the as-yet unknown Son of Man to resurrect the dead vine.
A rendering of Psalm 79, when the land had been invaded and devastation was both exterior and interior.
A rendering of Psalm 78, which looks back on Israel’s history of disobedience in an effort to learn covenant loyalty to God through remembering him and trusting him in all situations.
A rendering of Psalm 75, where God tells us to be patient with this upside-down world. He’ll take care of the arrogant powerful people in due time, setting everything right at last.
A rendering of Psalm 76, which looks to God to end war as he reigns from Salem/Peace Town and works justice in the world.
(Worship leader: This Asaph psalm is a kind and needed companion during depression.) I prayed my voice hoarse. With tears, I called to God, Needing him to hear, Needing him to help. My soul was […]
A rendering of Psalm 74, which looks back at what God did in Creation and Exodus and asks for the same mighty hand in the current calamity to create again by saving again.
A rendering of Psalm 73, which struggles with envy of successful celebrities until worship brings essential clarity.
(A Solomon psalm.) Make the king wise, Thoughtful, Discerning. Make our ruler righteous, Deciding what’s best for the people, Providing for your poor, God. Let peace and freedom ring From every mountainside And justice From every […]
A rendering of Psalm 71, which looks for God’s help in current trouble and envisions the party after rescue comes.
As we finish the first month of 2019, we’ve hit another milestone: 600 blog posts. When I started, I had no idea that we’d get to that many. But you kept reading and encouraging me […]
A rendering of Psalm 66, where personal struggle and rescue are seen in the light of what God has done in history, rescuing his people after they have struggled.
A rendering of Psalm 64, a plea for God to intervene against the kind of people who con old people out of their retirement savings and other forms of injustice.
A rendering of Psalm 60, a frustrated prayer of feeling abandoned not too long before God dealt with everything David was struggling with.