A rendering of Psalm 139, a prayer for when I’m so angry at the sins of others I can’t see what’s going on in my own heart and need the only one who truly sees me to show me what’s going on inside of me — so that he can lead me in the beautiful way.

A rendering of Psalm 139, a prayer for when I’m so angry at the sins of others I can’t see what’s going on in my own heart and need the only one who truly sees me to show me what’s going on inside of me — so that he can lead me in the beautiful way.
“The boy was frightened, and tried to say a prayer, but he could remember nothing but the multiplication table.” — Hans Christian Andersen, The Snow Queen I am a child of the information age. I have […]
I have an incredible library. Fiction, nonfiction, poetry, reference — I’ve got thousands of incredible books on my shelves. I’ve even read some of them! But there are some problems with my having all of […]