Of all the superhero movies churned out over the last two decades, the ones arising from the Marvel Cinematic Universe have dominated. And the centerpiece of those movies is a band of characters who call […]

Of all the superhero movies churned out over the last two decades, the ones arising from the Marvel Cinematic Universe have dominated. And the centerpiece of those movies is a band of characters who call […]
I used to check the news daily and often times throughout the day. I had an urge to know what was going on in the world around me. I’m not exactly sure why, but I […]
A rendering of Psalm 110, a Messianic psalm that looks forward to the coming of the Messiah to bring final judgment to the earth.
A rendering of Psalm 94, which calls on God to act as Judge, taking charge of revenge on those who trample the vulnerable and poor.
A rendering of Psalm 75, where God tells us to be patient with this upside-down world. He’ll take care of the arrogant powerful people in due time, setting everything right at last.
(An Asaph psalm.) The Forceful, God, Yahweh — He speaks, Calling the world to himself, All of it, From pole to pole. Out of Zion’s temple, Exquisite in it beauty, God shines. An inferno blazes […]
A rendering of Psalm 26, a prayer for vindication when falsely accused.
A rendering of Psalm 9, a call for God to sit on his throne as Judge in order to bring justice to an unjust world.
(A song David sang to Yahweh when he was dealing with Cush the Benjamite.) Here, I am, knocking at your door, Yahweh my God. Let me in! I need a safe place. I need rescuing. […]
(Worship leader: Use a soulful sax on this one. A David psalm.) I need you to hear me, Yahweh. I need you to hear me out. You’re my King, So hear my plea for help. […]
As a kid, I grew up watching the Emmy-winning TV show All in the Family. In it, the family patriarch Archie Bunker attempts to rule his household during the late 1960s and early 1970s era where […]
“How dare you judge me!” “Who do you think you are to judge me like that?” We hate to be judged by other people. We hate being looked down on by self-righteous prigs. But sometimes […]
Silence is hard to interpret. In fact, an argument from silence is considered a logical fallacy. And yet, we try to interpret the silences of others on a regular basis. We question what people think […]
For my entire life, I’ve heard fellow followers of Jesus complain about what they read in the newspapers and see on TV. “The world is going to hell in a hand basket!” they complain. “Our […]
There is a Judge. And it’s not me. Neither is it you. Everyone who has suffered injustice longs for a judge who will render a just judgment, because that means liberation (from prison or slavery […]