It was Bring Your Dad to School Day and the little elementary school girl was so excited to introduce her father and tell the class what he does for work. “My Dad is a public […]

It was Bring Your Dad to School Day and the little elementary school girl was so excited to introduce her father and tell the class what he does for work. “My Dad is a public […]
A rendering of Psalm 82, which looks at all of the injustice caused by those who should be ensuring justice and then looks to God to be the Judge the poor and vulnerable need.
A rendering of Psalm 64, a plea for God to intervene against the kind of people who con old people out of their retirement savings and other forms of injustice.
When Saddam Hussein was driven from power, the people of Iraq danced in the streets. They tore down his statues. They celebrated the end of his tyranny. Having grown up in a country with strong […]
During the recent and well-deserved hubbub about the government policy which separated parents from their children because of immigration issues, my friend Les Yoder posted the following comment and statistics, all of which bear repeating. […]
Evil abounds. When we look around at the world, it’s easy to ask, “Why is there so much suffering and injustice?” But when we look a bit closer, we find a question hiding beneath the […]
During these slow days before the NFL and college football regular seasons get rolling, sports news has been filled with Colin Kaepernick, the San Francisco 49ers quarterback. It’s not because he’s been putting up stellar preseason […]
Some baristas are sages, masters of coffee and poignant tattoos. A barista at a cafe I used to frequent had a tattoo with the words “the upside of anger” wildly emblazoned on his forearm. And […]
Sin is not a particularly fun topic, so I wouldn’t be surprised if most people avoid this post completely. But the ways we think about what’s wrong in our lives and the world around us […]
There is a Judge. And it’s not me. Neither is it you. Everyone who has suffered injustice longs for a judge who will render a just judgment, because that means liberation (from prison or slavery […]