A rendering of Psalm 115, which considers the truth that we become like the “God” we worship, so we’d better worship the loving and powerful God and not some lifeless “God” of our own creation.

A rendering of Psalm 115, which considers the truth that we become like the “God” we worship, so we’d better worship the loving and powerful God and not some lifeless “God” of our own creation.
I’ve been thinking about the most powerful human being ever to live. And no, I don’t mean Jesus. I mean Chuck Norris — martial arts expert, movie & TV star, and Internet phenomenon. Here are […]
Just a couple weeks after I became a pastor, my family and I were invited over to dinner by a family in our new church. Things seemed to be going well until I was asked a […]
The Incarnation. It’s a topic for sermons each December. God takes on flesh in Jesus and enters into our circumstance in the humblest of ways in order to save us. It’s one of the most […]