I work in a hospital and see people dying of COVID-19 on a regular basis. As I write, roughly half of the patients in our hospital are there because of serious symptoms caused by the […]
Tag: Idolatry

Taylor Swift’s False God
I have three teenagers and we listen to a lot of music. I also coach high school volleyball and lead a discipleship training program for teens. I am around teen culture a lot. I don’t […]

Psalm 115
A rendering of Psalm 115, which considers the truth that we become like the “God” we worship, so we’d better worship the loving and powerful God and not some lifeless “God” of our own creation.

Psalm 97
A rendering of Psalm 97, in which an electrical storm is compared to Yahweh’s justice breaking though the darkness and bringing light to the world, something our false concepts of “God” never do.

Psalm 16
A rendering of Psalm 16, which rejects attempts at hedging our bets by relying on other sources of happiness than God.

The only way to experience more of God
“Lord, we want more of you in our lives.” It’s a prayer I’ve heard many times and have uttered more than a few times myself. It usually precedes a time of gathered worship as a […]

Unmasking our idolatries
Idolatry is not a thing of the past. It’s very much alive and well in my heart and yours. The only difference between modern idolaters and ancient idolaters is honesty — they were the honest […]

Do you know your God?
Just a couple weeks after I became a pastor, my family and I were invited over to dinner by a family in our new church. Things seemed to be going well until I was asked a […]

The purpose of worship — from experience to encounter
In a 2005 interview with Christianity Today, Eugene Peterson said, “Do we realize how almost exactly the Baal culture of Canaan is reproduced in American church culture? Baal religion is about what makes you feel […]

Sports, idolatry, and mission
The Incarnation. It’s a topic for sermons each December. God takes on flesh in Jesus and enters into our circumstance in the humblest of ways in order to save us. It’s one of the most […]