The two-year-old sat in her highchair, looked at the plate of uneaten food in front of her, looked at her mother, looked back at the plate, looked back at her mother, grabbed the plate without […]

The two-year-old sat in her highchair, looked at the plate of uneaten food in front of her, looked at her mother, looked back at the plate, looked back at her mother, grabbed the plate without […]
Sometimes, I give up too easily, too quickly. Life is difficult and filled with obstacles, and sometimes I feel overwhelmed before I’ve even given things a real effort. I have a book project I’ve been […]
When Saddam Hussein was driven from power, the people of Iraq danced in the streets. They tore down his statues. They celebrated the end of his tyranny. Having grown up in a country with strong […]
The world’s oldest profession isn’t prostitution. It’s advertising. Genesis 3 is the story of a snakish advertiser who creates a desire for something that was really nothing at the cost of everything. And we’ve been […]
A rendering of Psalm 121, which finds comfort in God as the one who watches and keeps us.
I remember first listening to punk-pop Avril Lavigne with her heavily mascaraed eyes singing about her skater boy and giving the finger to anyone who got in her way. There was a true passion in her, […]
A rendering of Psalm 146, which considers human sources of hope before considering God’s long resumé of real hope-inspiring help.
A rendering of Psalm 119:9-16, where each verse begins with the Hebrew letter beth and delights in God’s life-giving words.
A rendering of Psalm 119:1-8, where each verse begins with the Hebrew letter aleph and delights in God’s life-giving words.
A rendering of Psalm 104, an exuberant expression of joy in the Creator and the Creation.
“Lord, we want more of you in our lives.” It’s a prayer I’ve heard many times and have uttered more than a few times myself. It usually precedes a time of gathered worship as a […]
The question isn’t if my perspective is skewed or not. The question is: How bad is it? No two of us experience the world the same way. The uniquenesses in my eyes cause me to […]
Sometimes life comes crashing down around our ears and the very things we were sure God wanted for our lives and for the world lay in rubbled ruin around us. A mission trip long prayed […]
A surprising hymn about Israel’s ancient enemies being born in Zion.
A rendering of Psalm 12, a prayer for help in the surrounding culture’s war of words.
A rendering of Psalm 51, a prayer of confession that moves from a self-focus to a God-focus and a desire to see other lives repaired as well.
A rendering of Psalm 62, a wisdom psalm for when the soul is weary and cutting corners has its lure.
A rendering of Psalm 67, which moves us from a desire for a small, me-sized blessing to a global, God-sized blessing for all people.
A rendering of Psalm 139, a prayer for when I’m so angry at the sins of others I can’t see what’s going on in my own heart and need the only one who truly sees me to show me what’s going on inside of me — so that he can lead me in the beautiful way.
For most of my adult life, my job has been to listen to people. As a journalist, as a pastor, as a chaplain, I’ve asked people questions and listened to what they’ve said. I’ve heard […]
A rendering of Psalm 133, where the wisdom of unity brings healing and life to a broken land.
A rendering of Psalm 14, rejecting the atheism of the world and the times when our own hearts slip into the atheism of living as if God doesn’t exist.
A rendering of Psalm 2, a prayer in the midst of the world’s noise that turns our attention to God’s Messiah.
A rendering of Psalm 3, a prayer when things feel like they’re so bad it’s hard to sleep.
A rendering of Psalm 150, an exuberant call to praise God with all we have, using our most passionate music.
Here’s my rendering of Psalm 4. But first a few thoughts about poetry and the difficulty of taking something several thousand years old and offering it in an American setting in 21st century English. Poetry […]
When the world goes upside-down, so too does our relationship with God. It’s an important but temporary shift the Psalms teach us how to navigate.
Below is my rendering of Psalm 1. I’m considering including my own renderings of the Psalms in my book A User’s Guide to Having a Soul. (Here are my comments on Psalm 1.) Let me know […]
When the letters started circulating, my Dad didn’t know who was sending them. Their slander was anonymous, pot shots on his character taken by an unknown sniper. Eventually, he figured it out. But by then […]
The blame game has no winners. It also has no shortage of players. Fingers are pointed. Questions are asked. But nothing is ever accomplished. The main question asked in the blame game is the “why” […]
I need a wake up call every now and then. Not a literal wake up call; I’ve got an alarm on my phone for that. But I need to be awakened from the soul slumber […]
The most dangerous weapon in the world requires no license, is accessible to almost every person you know, is used wildly without discretion, is regulated by no government, and causes damage to uncounted millions on […]
I was on the floor of our apartment, unable to get up. My lower back was clenched in spasms of pain. The agony was so great, I could hardly move. When I went to see […]
When I became a pastor, the congregation I started serving had been on a slow but steady decline for more than 40 years. There had been no mass exodus along the way, but church records […]
I’ve seen so many dead bodies this past year that I’ve lost count — at least forty and among them my Mom. Death is a bad joke. It’s a riddle that confounds us all. There’s […]
Try to go a day without using any number. It’s almost impossible. Look at a clock, there are numbers. Cook food and you’re setting a timer. Send a letter and you’re using an address. Make […]
I love the underdog. If a sports team wins too often, count on me to support any team that plays against them. I think this dislike of those on top is burned into the American […]
I’m a pretty well-intentioned person and I’m guessing you are too. Our motives are almost always pointing in the right direction. We want what’s good for others and ourselves. The problem is how we get […]
I have been accustomed to call this book, I think not inappropriately, “An Anatomy of all the Parts of the Soul,” for there is not an emotion of which anyone can be conscious that is […]
If there’s anything the Western world is infatuated with, it’s infatuation. We love love. We are swept off our feet by romance. If we believe in anything, it’s that the greatest achievement any of us […]
The ten-mile run was under the pummeling heat of the central Oregon desert sun, some of it slowing to a hands-and-knees scramble up 45-degree inclines. Interspersed throughout the race were numerous obstacles, several of which […]
“Don’t strike the rock!” The hand-written note was taped to my desk where I would see it every day. I was pastoring a congregation going through significant change and I knew that with the pushback […]
Sometimes the weight of the world comes crashing down on us. And sometimes we deserve it. Sometimes, we’ve done something wrong or even a whole series of things wrong and the consequences have piled up […]
Evil abounds. When we look around at the world, it’s easy to ask, “Why is there so much suffering and injustice?” But when we look a bit closer, we find a question hiding beneath the […]
Worship is practical. But not because preachers provide lessons on life in sermons. Worship is practical because it reorients our lives toward God. A God-orientation isn’t airy-fairy and otherworldly. If God is the most basic […]
It’s Easter Fools Day. Not often, but sometimes Easter lands on April 1 or April Fools Day. And I think it’s wonderfully appropriate. On that first Easter Sunday 2,000 years ago, no one showed up […]
My God, my God, why have you forsaken me? [Matthew 27:46 & Mark 15:34] There is nothing quite like the terror of a child lost in a crowd, desperately seeking her parents. There is nothing quite […]
Can we stop pitting love and truth against each other? I’d much prefer a radical commitment to both.
Where does the line between innocence and guilt lie? In some regards, we’re all complicit in this interwoven world, where a bargain buy at Target is made by sweat shop labor in Cambodia. And in […]
I’ve broken a lot of bowls and plates and glasses and such over the years. I’ll never forget how mad my Mom got when she opened a cupboard and out tumbled a pitcher I’d put […]
In the last decade, social media has gone from a novelty to a fixture in most of our lives. With the car and airplane, radio and recorded music, movies and televised entertainment, computers, and phones […]
I’m a fraud. I’m not nearly the person I have the reputation of being. I wish I were. That’d be awesome. But I’m not. It’s not that I intentionally mislead people. It’s just that I’m […]
We’re all beginners when it comes to prayer.* And hopefully we always remain amateurs in our praying, since the word “amateur” originated from the French word for “lover.” There aren’t many of us who like […]
The only reason we need laws is because we lack love. Laws exist to protect relationships. When our relationships are robust, there’s no need for laws to protect them. But when the bonds tying people […]
The more humans have become enamored with technology, the more we’ve become enamored with magic. The two are actually the same thing: A desire to control and change our circumstances. Contrary to popular belief, the […]
Immediate friends are a lot of fun. But long-time friendships are deep and deserve regular celebrations. When my wife threw a party for my 50th birthday, she pulled together an incredible group of people who […]
Your imagination is the most important part of who you are. Imagination and soul are deeply integrated, giving you personality and making you unique among all humans throughout history. Without imagination, there is no “you,” there […]
As a kid, I grew up watching the Emmy-winning TV show All in the Family. In it, the family patriarch Archie Bunker attempts to rule his household during the late 1960s and early 1970s era where […]
Where does human value come from? What makes us so special? We assume the world belongs to us and is here for us to do with as we will. And so we eat whatever we […]
I used to be bad with names, and I was OK with it. That’s until I met Ray. Ray and I were slated to direct a middle school retreat at Lakeside Bible Camp, where we […]
I’m a heretic. There are things I believe about God which are wrong. But they’re wrong in all the right ways. You’re a heretic, too. There are things that are true about God which are […]
I don’t get to edit the Bible according to what I like or dislike. I don’t have the arrogance of Thomas Jefferson, who chucked out whatever he found primitive and unenlightened and kept the moral […]
Fears come in all shapes and sizes. Some fears grip us by the throat, suffocating us. Some fears climb up on our backs, weighing us down as they accumulate. But all our fears have one […]
There’s something delicious in mocking or frustrating authority. Most of our sit-coms are based on it. Dre in Black-ish is constantly being foiled by his family and by his circumstances. Michael Scott in The Office is continually […]
“Blessed to be a blessing.” It’s a bit of a Christian cliché, but it’s true nonetheless. It gets at the heart of what God is doing in the world and of how we participate in […]
There are some stories other people have told me that are so vivid in my imagination, it’s as if I was there, as if those things happened to me. My wife tells a story about […]
“It’s the economy, stupid.” Bill Clinton’s single sentence won him the presidency. George H.W. Bush had the highest approval rating of any President following the first Gulf War, but he squandered it and lost to […]
Living outside of my home country changed me. I’ve traveled to almost every continent as a tourist, but it was those five years of living in Canada that changed me. I became a world citizen […]
She had seemed so nice. She was always so warm and friendly and she asked such great questions, drawing out unguarded thoughts. But as I watched her turn on her mother and then family and […]
There are times when God seems just about as far away as possible. I feel alone and even with crowds around me, the world feels empty. There are times when God feels as close as […]
What attitude do I bring to the Scriptures when I read them? Is there an attentiveness to what is written? Is there an expectation to hear from God? Is there a readiness to obey? Obedience […]
In an effort to communicate to visitors that they aren’t trying to get their money, many churches have given up the practice of taking an offering during Sunday worship. I get the intention behind the […]
We all tell a lot of stories and listen to a lot of stories. It’s one of the main ways we humans communicate and make connections with one another, pulling past experiences into the present moment […]
When the angel army sang to those shepherds in the field that Christmas night, their song was of two things most needed in the world: “Glory to God in the highest heaven, and on earth […]
Some things are better broken. It’s being broken that makes some things what they are, and I’m not just talking about the eggs in an omelet. The armless Venus de Milo is one of the […]
Pain can feel eternal. Suffering slows the clock to a crawl. In the hospital where I work, I see people in deep pain on a regular basis. Physical pain that so fills the senses it’s […]
Life is hard enough with all of its pressures and demands from outside of our homes, but when the dividing lines which fracture our lives run through our families, the stress can break us. The […]
It was September 11, 2001. We’d been woken up by a phone call and a crying voice on the other end, telling us a plane had flown into a building in New York City. And […]
I was a sophomore in high school when I started listening to U2, with the release of their War album. As has been their pattern, the band ends the album with a hymn of sorts. […]
“Will you shut that door! “How many times do I have to say it? “You’d think we were trying to heat the whole world the way you leave the doors open, letting all the warm […]
My Sri Lankan friend Prabo Mihindukulasuriya has the most amazing name ever. He also has keen insight. And he shares the following words about the birth of Jesus — as King — and how it […]
“Come, let us reason together,” says the LORD. “Though your sins are as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are as red as crimson, they shall be like wool.” — Isaiah […]
How do people react when you wear your God Hat?
My Mom is dead. How do I even wrap my mind, my heart around that statement? Every day of my life, my Mom has been there. She may have been miles away, but was always […]
I was with a friend who had gone through a major life trauma and he was talking about a conversation he’d just had with another friend. “He told me, ‘Don’t put any expectations on me,’” my […]
The most miserable experiences in my life include being sick. I’m grateful I don’t get sick often, but when I do get something, I tend to go down hard. I can vividly recall the semi-madness […]
Marvel Studios has ruled the box office for more than a decade, spinning out movie after movie in the most lucrative franchise since James Bond. At the heart of their financial success, I believe, is […]
We humans are polarizing people. Our actions create opposite reactions. That Facebook friend who rants against Trump actually creates Trump supporters. Strong conservative stances create liberal stances. We make our polar opposites. In our interpersonal […]
Occasionally, my daughter will call me by my full name. Generally, my kids call me Papa, but when I hear her say my full name, I know that she’s been calling for me for a […]
In the wake of the flood of #MeToo stories of women being abused by men have come a second flood of stories of men being abused by men, with the current trend being stories about […]
“How dare you judge me!” “Who do you think you are to judge me like that?” We hate to be judged by other people. We hate being looked down on by self-righteous prigs. But sometimes […]
Idolatry is not a thing of the past. It’s very much alive and well in my heart and yours. The only difference between modern idolaters and ancient idolaters is honesty — they were the honest […]
Today is the 500th birthday of the Protestant Reformation, the day we remember Martin Luther nailing his 95 Theses on the door of the church in Wittenberg, Germany. It’s a day I’m so grateful for […]
Some people just don’t like Halloween. I can understand why. Its pagan roots. The frenzy for candy. Yet another American form of consumerism. I get it. But I love Halloween. Dressing up is fun — […]
I was five when I memorized Psalm 23. I had one of those emergency info bracelets and it had part of the psalm inscribed into it as well. So, I memorized it. But the first […]
The most basic condition of my life is neediness. I don’t have what it takes to make it. I need help. This basic lack is also my most basic frustration. I hate admitting my insufficiency. […]
As I watch my parents in their twilight years, I think about the inevitability of my own impending elder age. At 50, I’m still in fairly good shape physically, but I know the decline is […]