Stop. Be still. Let this sink in: “I am God. I will take my place Over all nations. I will be known And honored From pole to pole.” (Everyday Psalms, Psalm 46, page 112) Caffeine […]

Stop. Be still. Let this sink in: “I am God. I will take my place Over all nations. I will be known And honored From pole to pole.” (Everyday Psalms, Psalm 46, page 112) Caffeine […]
My own heart Is a mystery to me, But you know me inside and out, Yahweh. Nothing is hidden from your eyes. … I need you To look inside of me. You know everything about […]
In the empty time between laying down and sleeping, Let the silence go deep, Sounding out and searching your heart. (Everyday Psalms, Psalm 4, page 11) In an old black and white episode of the […]
Make the king wise, Thoughtful, Discerning. Make our ruler righteous, Deciding what’s best for the people, Providing for your poor, God. Let peace and freedom ring From every mountainside And justice From every hill and […]
The heavens shout God’s glory! The skies never stop talking About his creativity. All day, Every day, They just keep on speaking. All night, Every night, They share what they know. They can’t actually talk, […]
To love Yahweh is to hate evil. (Everyday Psalms, Psalm 97, page 223) My kids were too little to read and take in the Harry Potter books when they were being written and released. But […]
He speaks. The same Voice comes to Jacob, Bringing wise laws and decrees to Israel. No other nation has been so fortunate. They don’t know these words of life. So shout your Hallelujah! (Everyday Psalms, […]
The trail you guide me down Is life and life and more life. When I’m with you, My joy is complete. I don’t need to pursue happiness, Because you have everything I’d ever want, And […]
It’s hard not to strike back At those that hurt us, But turn your back On that way of living. Be an agent of wholeness In this broken world. Chase that kind of life With […]
You’re our home, Lord. You always have been. Before there were mountains, Before you’d shaped any part of earth, Before the beginning and after the end of everything else, There is one solid reality — […]
We were like giddy dreamers Whose dreams had actually come true. (Everyday Psalms, Psalm 126, page 297) OK, let’s be honest here. Most of our hopes and dreams tend to be pretty small and self-centered. […]
But even more than that, I desire this: To see your face. When I wake up from this nightmare, It’s your face I will see. I will be so completely satisfied, Every other desire will […]
I will thank you,Yahweh, But I won’t do it by myself. I want others to get in on it with me. (Everyday Psalms, Psalm 108, page 251) The daughter of dear friends is hospitalized because […]
Unless it’s Yahweh building the house, The work is pointless. Unless it’s Yahweh protecting the city, The security guards might as well go home. What’s the point of getting up early Or staying up late, […]
I love you,Yahweh! With you, I’m strong. (Everyday Psalms, Psalm 18, page 33) To be human is to be loved. This is our starting point. Most of us started our lives with parents who had […]
Prayer changes everything. Yahweh hears. He answers. He acts Out of his great love. (Everyday Psalms, Psalm 27, page 56) The primary reason most people pray is to get God to do stuff. It’s also […]
Give me your full attention, Yahweh. Answer me. I am so weak and empty right now, So insecure. Secure my life, I live it for you. Lean toward me. I’m leaning on you. (Everyday Psalms, […]
Yes, this is how the me-first live: Carefree consumerists, Treating the world like it’s their oyster. (Everyday Psalms, Psalm 73, page 168) I have a mouth. I eat stuff. I consume. Even so, I am […]
And yet, he pays attention to the poor and needy, Pulling them out of the dumpster Society has tossed them into, Dressing them up in the finest clothes And seating them among princes and princesses, […]
I know this to be true: God takes care of his people, Those who live simply, Innocently, Kindly. But I got so distracted looking the other way, I didn’t watch where I was going, Wandering […]
But something changed everything, Gave me new clarity. I stepped into your sanctuary And gained some new perspective. (Everyday Psalms, Psalm 73, page 169) Not always, but prayer often brings clarity. It helps me see. […]
When my soul craves rest, I find it in God. He puts together The pieces of my life. He’s a sound foundation And steel girder construction. No earthquake can take me down. (Everyday Psalms, Psalm […]
How have your best friends Become my best friends? We’re companions on the same journey, Headed in the same direction, Marked by your signs. That’s how. (Everyday Psalms, Psalm 119, page 278) I miss my […]
We’re gone with a gasp. Add them all up and we may last Seventy or eighty years. We’re so proud of what we do, But it’s really just one struggle after another. So quickly spent. […]
When I can’t sleep, My thoughts turn to you. Sometimes, I think of you Through many dark night hours. I remember how you’ve helped me. And there on my bed, I start to sing, Enfolded […]
Give it up for Yahweh, folks. Give it up, Applauding his graceful beauty, Applauding his athletic strength. Give it up for Yahweh! He deserves every bit of glory we can heap on him. Don’t show […]
Yahweh’s faithful character Can be seen in all he does. It makes his words believable — Always true, Always making things right. For Yahweh loves when relationships Are made right, Loving it when justice prevails. He […]
I need some kindness now, Yahweh. I’m in a dark, dark place. I can hardly see, My eyes blurry from crying. My body aches from stress. … Sorrow devours me. (Everyday Psalms, Psalm 31, page […]
My nightlight for my night terrors. My body guard in a dark alley. That’s Yahweh, Canceling my fear. My life’s safe house, That’s Yahweh. Remind me again Why I should fear anyone. (Everyday Psalms, Psalm […]
Loose your lungs! Get loud for Yahweh, all earth. Give yourself to Yahweh without holding back. As you sing, You’ll find yourself In his Presence. … Every day is Thanksgiving for us. Every day we […]
Feelings black and bleak Weigh me down like a ton of bricks. From dawn to dusk I wallow in self-pity. Getting out of bed is impossible. I can barely move Without searing pain shooting through […]
Quit the me-first life. A good life is the best life, A forever life. It’s a caring-for-others kind of life That makesYahweh smile, That he never Rejects, That he establishes forever. Me-first families are a […]
Listening toYahweh leads to the best kind of life. Even at night, he speaks to my heart. I orient myself straight toward Yahweh. I don’t need to look anywhere else for support, He’s right there. […]
My own heart Is a mystery to me, But you know me inside and out, Yahweh. Nothing is hidden from your eyes. (Everyday Psalms, Psalm 139, page 313) I get lost. Often. I’ll be listening […]