I’ve been saying the word fairly frequently over the last few months, trying to get my mouth used to it. “Fifty.” It’s got a nice, clean sound to it. It’s not cumbersome like “forty-seven.” And […]

I’ve been saying the word fairly frequently over the last few months, trying to get my mouth used to it. “Fifty.” It’s got a nice, clean sound to it. It’s not cumbersome like “forty-seven.” And […]
I celebrate the anniversaries of friends whose marriage survived the dark and harrowing days after his infidelities were discovered. I celebrate the birthdays of the son of friends whose asthma has almost taken down to […]
My purpose in life is to ask questions. I was with some friends at our Table group recently, considering a passage from John’s gospel. After we’d made a number of observations about the passage, I said […]
When I first watched the movie I (heart) Huckabee’s years ago, it bounced around in my head for days. In it, there is a team of existential detectives who hilariously examine people’s lives in order to determine what question drives […]
We have lava in our backyard. I’m not talking about the red rocks that people people use for landscaping. I’m talking about the bedrock that Bend is built on — and there it is, sticking […]