What role does humanity play within Creation? Are we more significant than the rest of the created order or are we on the same level with the rest? During a prayer of confession a decade […]

What role does humanity play within Creation? Are we more significant than the rest of the created order or are we on the same level with the rest? During a prayer of confession a decade […]
A rendering of Psalm 134, which calls on those who do the menial jobs of taking care of the sanctuary to use that time to pray and praise.
A rendering of Psalm 74, which looks back at what God did in Creation and Exodus and asks for the same mighty hand in the current calamity to create again by saving again.
(For the worship leader. A David psalm.) The heavens shout God’s glory! The skies never stop talking About his creativity. All day, Every day, They just keep on speaking. All night, Every night, They share […]
Sing your hearts out to Yahweh, You good and just people! Worship and integrity Are inseparable twins. Praise Yahweh with your guitar. Make exquisite music for him On your piano. Yahweh’s faithful character Can be […]
A rendering of Psalm 8, which marvels at the royal role of humanity within a creation that dwarfs us and given by a God who dwarfs that creation.
A rendering of Psalm 104, an exuberant expression of joy in the Creator and the Creation.
Living outside of my home country changed me. I’ve traveled to almost every continent as a tourist, but it was those five years of living in Canada that changed me. I became a world citizen […]
Idolatry is not a thing of the past. It’s very much alive and well in my heart and yours. The only difference between modern idolaters and ancient idolaters is honesty — they were the honest […]
When I was growing up, environmentalists were the enemy. They loved the earth and hated God. At least, that’s what I was told. It wasn’t totally untrue, because somehow there had come to be a […]
I fall into all kinds of temptations. Most of them are pretty obvious and lack creativity. Lust. Envy. Sloth. Pride. The typical seven deadly sin stuff. It’s all pretty dull and garden variety. We all […]
God is not afraid of danger, pain, or death. And he’s not afraid of seeing his loved ones on paths that will lead us through all three. In fact, he guarantees that every one of us […]
For most of my life, I viewed the primary thing wrong in the world as sin, particularly a brokenness in our individual human relationships with God. The most important thing, then, was to get people […]
The Psalms is a wonderfully diverse compilation of Israel’s praise. It gathers glorious creation hymns and salvation thanksgivings together with a heaping pile of laments. And scattered throughout this sprawling mixtape are bits of what is […]
What does worship look like? What does it sound like? Where does it get done? Who gets included? And what is the purpose of it all anyway? As the Psalms conclude, they do so with […]
I love the meme that accompanies this post because it points to several mistakes about what it means to be the church while intending neither. 1. The first mistake is equating being in a building with church. […]
The court cases are adding up. People, often Evangelical Christians, are catching flak for not being willing to provide a service to same-sex couples for their weddings. We’ve had bakers, photographers, and more recently florists who […]
We live in the first truly self-creating culture. You can actually make a whole new you. In the past, people were known by their relationships. Our last names are themselves family ties, suggesting that your […]
“Any error about creation also leads to an error about God.” -Thomas Aquinas If God is the Creator, then thinking badly about and acting badly toward his creation is directly related with thinking badly about […]