I wasn’t going to add my voice to the many others who crowd the end of each year with their evaluations of the new music released in 2019. But here I am, doing just that. […]

I wasn’t going to add my voice to the many others who crowd the end of each year with their evaluations of the new music released in 2019. But here I am, doing just that. […]
We live in a world of beliefs. We are told that if we just invest ourselves fully in certain human endeavors, we can save ourselves and we can solve the problems of the world. Politics, […]
Poets and artists are among our best companions in the life of faith. They come at things from unique angles and expose things about us and the world and God that we’d never seen or heard […]
I love Christmas lights. Any Christmas lights. There’s something to dangling white icicle lights and traditional colored bulbs, something to rope lights and net lights that warms a cold December night for me. I will always […]