That’s great news, earth!
Even you people living far away on tropical islands,
Get happy about that.
He’s surrounded by thick clouds
And a darkness as black as pitch.
Though you can’t see him,
You can see the roots and results of his rule:
Doing the right thing;
Judging so that wrongs are made right.
Flames blaze out from him,
Consuming every adversary.
Lightning forks from him,
Exposing the world in his light.
The earth blinks in wonder
And shivers.
Like wax,
Mountains melt into puddles
In the Presence of Yahweh,
In the Presence of earth’s Master.
These thunder clouds and electrical storms
Are telling us something:
He’s in the business of making things right
And it’ll be as spectacular as lightning
In the darkness.
How stupid people are,
Putting their faith in things merely visible.
The brag about a handmade “God,”
But any “God” you can invent
Is as empty as your head.
Invented “God,”
Meet the real God
And bow down.
In Zion’s temple,
The echoing thunder is heard
And there is happiness.
Girls in Judah break into singing,
For they know Yahweh’s justice is on the way.
You are above and beyond all earth, Yahweh.
No other attempt at “God” comes close to you.
To love Yahweh is to hate evil.
He takes care of the souls
Of those who live in his mercy-love.
If they fall into the hands of those who would harm them,
He plucks them out.
Light flashes across the night
As a reminder to those committed to doing what’s right.
Joy lightens the right-hearted.
So, break out into peals of happy laughter
Because of Yahweh,
You justice lovers.
Breathe a prayer of thanks to our God,
So much better than any imitation “God.”