To sing to Yahweh.
All creation, join us in the singing!
Sing a Yahweh song.
Sing his name out,
A love song.
Keep at it day after day,
Letting every culture everywhere
Know how great he is,
Getting every subculture in
On the great things he does for people.
Yahweh really is the best,
Deserving of everything good we say of him.
He’s worth every bit of attention we give him,
Unlike other attempts at “God.”
Every other notion of “God”
Is a weak image
Arising from weak imaginations.
But Yahweh painted the skies.
The Artist paints his beauty and majesty
All around himself.
His strength and glory are seen in the colors
He paints his creation-temple.
Give it up for Yahweh, folks.
Give it up,
Applauding his graceful beauty,
Applauding his athletic strength.
Give it up for Yahweh!
He deserves every bit of glory we can heap on him.
Don’t show up for worship empty-handed.
Bring gifts for God with you.
Worship in awe,
For his beauty is unlike any other
All creation,
Be prepared to be struck silent,
Open-mouthed in wonderment.
Hey, you countries around the world,
It’s Yahweh who is King.
He’s the one who built the earth
And sustains it,
Keeping it from falling apart.
He’s the Judge
Who guarantees justice will prevail.
So, smile, you skies above.
Rejoice, you earth below.
Roar with laughter, you oceans
And all creatures who make the seas your home.
Dance, you wind-waved fields
And all creatures who make the land your home.
Sing your hearts out, forests.
You’re in Yahweh’s presence.
He’s here.
The Judge has come to set things right
Throughout creation.
All creation will experience his justice.
All people will find himself faithful
To the very end.