Don’t stand back.
Let’s enter in,
Singing for joy to Yahweh.
Don’t hold back.
Shout to the Foundation of our lives,
”We are the saved!”
Don’t stay where you are.
Enter into the Presence,
Gratefully singing of his greatness,
Thankfully making music.
For Yahweh really is the Great God.
No other concept of “God” compares to his reality.
He’s the King!
Every extreme of the earth is his,
He’s their maker.
The deepest valley is his.
The highest mountain is his.
Every drop in the oceans is his.
Every inch of dry land is his.
So, don’t just watch.
Get down on your knees in worship
Before Yahweh our Maker.
He didn’t just make us,
He took us as his own,
Shepherding us,
Caring for us.
We are his
And he is our God.
So, now is the moment of decision.
If you’ll make the choice to listen,
To really hear his voice for a change,
Don’t let your heart go deaf
As it did in Meribah.
Don’t let it go cold
As it did in Massah,
During those wilderness wandering years.
Back there,
Back then,
Your grandparents drove me crazy.
They knew better,
Having experienced my active love on their behalf.
But they treated me like dirt.
I was furious with that entire generation
For forty years.
“Their hearts are stray dogs,”
I said.
“But they don’t know the way home
To me.”
So, I swore an angry oath,
“They’ll never enter in,
Never take a step inside
Of my rest —
Doomed to restlessness.”