You are a God of revenge,
So blaze!
You are earth’s Judge,
So take a stand!
Give the self-satisfied the verdict they deserve.
How long, Yahweh?
How long will these criminals live large and free?
They love talking about their favorite topic:
They are bent-hearted and boastful.
They walk all over your people, Yahweh,
Treading on your treasured ones.
They bleed widows and immigrants to death,
Exploiting kids raised without fathers.
They smirk as they say,
”Yahweh? He’s a blind old coot.
That God of Jacob is deaf and dumb.”
Hey there, you morons!
Is there anything going on
Inside those vacant heads of yours?
Let’s see how you do with these questions:
Do you think the ear maker can’t hear?
Do you think the eye maker can’t see?
Do you think the nation guider doesn’t correct them?
Do you think the source of all knowledge is stupid?
Yahweh knows our plots and plans.
Knows yours, too.
Knows just how stupid they are.
But if Yahweh is your trainer,
You’re in good hands,
Learning the Law
From the one who wrote it.
Things won’t be so bad for you
In bad times,
As you wait for the bad guys
To come to their bad end.
Yahweh will never abandon his children.
That’d be walking away from his treasure,
His heart.
The days of injustice are temporary.
The perseverance of the just-hearted will pay off.
Who will take my side
In the struggle against evil?
Who will stand with me
Against the destruction
Caused by selfish hearts?
I know this:
If Yahweh hadn’t been there for me,
I would have found a new home
In the Land of Eternal Silence.
Whenever I yelled out,
“Help! I’m falling!”
Your mercy-hand reached out,
Caught me,
And kept me on my feet.
When I feel a panic attack coming on
Because the demands on me are spinning out of control,
You comfort my soul,
You give me hope and happiness again.
Do you make alliances with self-serving leaders?
Do you support leaders who build in injustice?
They play politics,
Doing whatever they need to
To get the just-hearted out of their way,
Even at the cost of innocent lives.
But Yahweh keeps me from their clutches.
He’s always been my safe house
Where I can hide from them.
And he’ll make them victims
Of their own selfishness,
Their self-centered plans
Will come crashing down around them
And on top of them.
Yahweh our God
Will give the push
That topples them.