Give me your full attention, Yahweh.
Answer me.
I am so weak and empty right now,
So insecure.
Secure my life,
I live it for you.
Lean toward me.
I’m leaning on you.
You’re my God.
Be gentle with me, Lord.
I’ve been crying for you
All day long.
Let my soul sing again, Lord.
Here’s my soul.
I’m putting it in your hands.
You are so, so good, Lord.
So quick to forgive.
Your love is like a garden,
Producing more than can be used.
And we get in on all that abundance.
So, give full attention to my prayer, Yahweh.
Don’t let anything distract you from my plea.
I turn to you when things go sideways
Because I know you’ll pay attention.
You are holy —
Wholly different from every other version of “God.”
No one does what you do.
You made every nation on earth
And they’ll come and kneel before you,
Giving you the respect you deserve.
You truly are great
And you do great things all the time.
Forget every other notion of “God,”
You are the only real deal.
Teach me how to live you way of doing life, Yahweh,
And I’ll never walk away from your truth.
Piece together my heart
That I might live a whole life,
A single-minded life
That never takes its eyes from you.
From this whole-heartedness,
My life will be marked by gratitude
To you, my Lord, my God.
All I do will bring you glory,
For I am overwhelmed by your love for me.
You scooped me from the swamp
I was sinking in.
But there’s a pack of me-first haters
Out to get me, God.
They’ll use any means necessary
To wreck my soul.
They live as if you don’t exist.
But you, Lord, are different:
Deeply compassionate,
Unexpectedly gentle,
Surprisingly slow to get angry,
Overwhelmingly loving,
Persistently faithful.
So, turn your attention toward me.
Focus your mercy on me.
Show your strength for me.
Save this child who learned to serve you
From my mother.
Make me a sign to the world
Of how you good you are,
A sign that will put my haters to shame.
For you, Yahweh, are my help.
You are my comfort.