Powerful people persecute me.
But the only thing that makes me tremble
Is your word.
Uncontainable joy bursts from me
Because of your promise.
It’s like finding a masterpiece in a garage sale.
Ugliness, sheer ugliness.
That’s what false words are.
But the true words of your law
Are lovely
And I love them.
Unfiltered worship,
Springing up seven times a day,
Lauds you for your just laws.
Those who dedicate themselves to your law
Experience deep peace.
Unhurried and without anxiety,
I wait for your salvation, Yahweh,
Following your commands as I do.
Under no duress,
Just love and love alone,
I obey your rules.
Utterly and completely known by you,
I obey every direction and rule
You’ve made known to me.
Psalm 119 (U is for Sin/Shin)