I love obeying your statutes.
Questions even the simplest minds ask
Find answers
As we listen to your word.
Quench this thirst
I have for your commands.
I pant for them like a dog.
Turn and come to me.
I need your kindness,
The sort you’re famous for giving
To everyone who knows and loves you.
Queue me up,
Lining up my steps by your word
So I don’t step out of line
And become a slave to some sin.
Quash my haters,
Setting me free to obey your carefully crafted laws.
Quiet me
By smiling at me
And teaching me your wise decrees.
Quell this river
Of tears pouring from my eyes
From the pain that comes from watching people
As they disobey your law.
Psalm 119 (Q is for Pe)