Poor and vulnerable people
Have found a champion in me.
So, don’t leave me in the grasp
Of those who would abuse me.
Proud and pretentious people
Are out to get me.
Make sure your servant gets good
Perceiving nothing at all,
My eyes have given out.
Where is your salvation?
Where is your promised righteousness?
Pity me.
I need it.
I need a life reordered by your wise words.
Pay your servant with wisdom.
I want the understanding
That only comes from your directions.
Postpone no longer.
Get busy, Yahweh!
Your laws are getting shredded!
Precious and beautiful,
I love your laws more than gold,
More than piles of pure gold.
Paths that lead away from you
Make me furious,
Because your precepts are so, so good.
Psalm 119 (P is for Ayin)