Ready to be put into the ground.
That’s my soul,
Desperate to be saved.
And yet a hope remains,
As I cling to what you said.
Keen eyes have grown weak from strain,
Looking for what you promised.
When will you show up
And comfort me?
Keeled over,
Sapped of strength,
I still keep your wise words
In the front of my mind.
Knowing how long I’ll have to wait
Would give some comfort.
At least, I think it will.
How long till you bring my haters
To justice?
Knifing me in the back like that,
These arrogant cutthroats
Look at your law
And do the opposite.
Kaleidoscopic in faithfulness,
Your commands are trustworthy in any and every situation.
So, help me in this crazy circumstance
I shouldn’t be in.
Kicked to the curb
And left for dead by them,
I clutch your promises
To my chest
With what little strength I have left.
Knit together
The unraveled strands of my life
In your relentless, unstopping love,
That I might continue to obey
Everything you’ve spoken.
Psalm 119 (K is for Kaph)