Just as you shaped my body
With the personal touch of your hands,
So shape my mind,
My will,
By your moral commands.
Joy fills the hearts
Of those who orient their lives toward you
When they see me,
For I am like them,
Putting all my hope in your Word.
Justice for the afflicted
Is at the center of your laws, Yahweh,
Convincing me that the affliction
I’ve received from you
Comes from your faithfulness to me.
Just like you promised you would,
Comfort me
With your relentless, never-stopping love.
Journey with me
That your compassion be by my side,
Giving me life,
For your torah-way is my delight.
Jinx the me-first snobs
Who harass me without cause
While I try to keep my mind
Centered on your precepts.
Joining together
With those who
Have turned their lives toward you,
I have found my tribe.
Becomes of no concern to me
As I bend my whole heart
To following your wise way.
Psalm 119 (J is for Yodh)