My soul is dead.
Or at least close to it.
Resurrect me
By speaking your Word to me.
Dirty laundry and clean,
I laid it all out before you,
And you didn’t turn your nose up.
Teach me to live your wise way.
Direct me down the road
Carefully marked by your precepts,
And I’ll mull over
All the wonderful things you’ve done
As I walk it.
Dreary and depressed,
My soul is shriveling up.
Speak your Word to me
And keep me going.
Drain me of deceit.
Fill me with your law
Till I learn the grace-shaped life.
Deciding my life’s direction,
I’ve chosen the way of faithfulness.
So, I’ve set your decisions in front of me
As guidance.
Digging deep into your moral guidelines, Yahweh,
Keeps me from shaming myself.
Down the path
Paved by your commands,
I run —
Life lived at full force.
The way is wide and smooth
Because of the understanding you’ve given me.
Psalm 119 (D is for Daleth)