Every story is a take on the story of the world. Each one stands beside the actual story of the world, tweaking and critiquing it. The movie The Martian (and the book on which it […]

Every story is a take on the story of the world. Each one stands beside the actual story of the world, tweaking and critiquing it. The movie The Martian (and the book on which it […]
There are many parts of life that are easy to enjoy. They have some kind of reward built into them. Eating is generally its own reward. Hunger is satisfied. Taste buds are pleasurably engaged. Meal […]
I believe a lot things about God. I have two theological degrees and a library of several thousand theological books. And yet when it comes down to the way I live, I find my theology […]
I had the joy of baptizing my youngest child this past Sunday. Each time I do a baptism, I feel both elated and mystified. Christians have been doing this baptism thing ever since Jesus himself […]
A friend texted me recently about a deeply frustrating conversation he’d had with a client earlier in the day. His language was colorful. Workplace frustrations are a common experience of pretty much everyone who has a […]
“It’s the economy, stupid!” Bill Clinton’s one-liner from his successful campaign against the first President Bush has echoed through every election since. There may be other issues on the table, but how the President will […]
I love the Lord’s Prayer — except for one phrase. There’s one line in it that trips me up. It’s the second half of “Forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors.” I rely […]
I know who I am by the stories I tell to myself. The same is true of my relationships. People who are happy in their relationships tell themselves happy stories from their relationships. They remember past […]
We live in a disposable culture. Not only are things disposable, but people are disposable. Anne Hathaway is only 32 years old and an Oscar-winner, and yet she’s already being passed up for movie roles […]
As a kid, I grew up singing “Onward, Christian soldiers” and “I’m in the Lord’s army.” There seemed to be no hesitancy in using militaristic imagery to describe our faith. This was no Cold War […]
This is the story of a boy and his piano. But more than that, it’s about how to live life well. Matthias is a whirlwind. The youngest of my four kids, we call him the Exclamation […]
One of my favorite characters from history is St. Francis. He and I share the same birthday, the same Lord, and the same desire to live missionally in all aspects of our lives. Granted, he […]
“If you can dream it, you can achieve it.” The words were emblazoned on my kids’ elementary school walls. So. Not. True. There are things I can dream of that I simply can’t do. They’re […]
If you act like a bull in a china shop, don’t be surprised if people treat you like one. If you’re a shrinking violent, don’t be surprised if people pass you by. While it’s not […]
For most of my life, I viewed the primary thing wrong in the world as sin, particularly a brokenness in our individual human relationships with God. The most important thing, then, was to get people […]
Sometimes, it’s the speed of daily life. Sometimes, it’s words heard that keep bouncing off the walls of our hearts. Sometimes, it’s as series of worries that are out of our control. Sometimes, it’s a […]
RELIGION IS DEAD. IT JUST IS. BUT THAT’S OK. IT’S SUPPOSED TO BE. Eugene Peterson points out that religion is like a tree’s bark — it’s the dead part of the tree. But the bark is […]
There’s something appealing to watching a person stick with her convictions and suffer for them. It’s the stuff of inspirational movies about inner city teachers and coaches who turn around losing teams and such. And […]
I lived in Canada for five years. It’s a beautiful and friendly country that I am extremely fond of. But never during those five years did I forget that I was in a foreign country. […]
So, Tom Brady got away with cheating. At least, that’s how all but New England Patriots fans see things. It doesn’t matter that he didn’t need to have his personally selected footballs deflated in order […]
The Psalms is a wonderfully diverse compilation of Israel’s praise. It gathers glorious creation hymns and salvation thanksgivings together with a heaping pile of laments. And scattered throughout this sprawling mixtape are bits of what is […]
What does worship look like? What does it sound like? Where does it get done? Who gets included? And what is the purpose of it all anyway? As the Psalms conclude, they do so with […]
One Sunday we came back from worship to discover that one of our neighbors had torn down the short fence between our properties and replaced it with a taller, uglier fence. There had been no warning. […]
What is the relationship between sexuality and spirituality? In many ways, sexuality has become its own spirituality. And in the process, it has coopted church music and biblical language to articulate it. Ray Charles has […]
In an often repeated story about the eloquently witty Catholic writer G.K. Chesterton, he replied to a request to readers from The Times to answer the question, “What is wrong with the world today?” with this response: […]
Most of us would be willing to make sacrifices to be happier. We’d live in smaller homes, have less money, have less stuff, drink less coffee, and so on if it would guarantee that we’d […]
If you’re an adult, you’ve had experiences where people have said and done hurtful things to you. I have. We all have. They were painful. They were inappropriate. But they’re over. Done. Gone. In the […]
Gotta love that can-do country!
I am far less rational than I like to think I am. In all kinds of small and large ways, fear keeps me from doing small things that I might like to do and large […]
It’s amazing how quickly the culture shapers have embraced gender change. Jenner won the courage award on the ESPYS and anyone who disagreed was shamed. Siri refuses to use the name Bruce Jenner, always changing it to […]
The great Scottish writer George MacDonald isolated three essentials for leading a meaningful life Someone to love. Something to do. Something to hope for. When I first came across this list, I was surprised that the first […]
Losing is tough. I hate it. When George W. Bush won the White House, Democrats talked about moving north to Canada. And when Barack Obama replaced him, Republicans made similar grumblings. When Russell Wilson of the […]
It’s a simple formula. If we want to be trusted, we’ve got to be trustworthy. But too often we expect trust without earning it. How do we learn to trust and to become worthy of trust ourselves? […]
Equality is essential to mathematics. To the rest of life, it’s both nonexistent and undesirable. Recently, my family and I went to the Oregon high school track and field state championship meet. After watching numerous […]
We’ve got a packaging problem. A recent article in the venerable Atlantic suggests that those plastic coffee pods that make Keurig brewing machines so convenient and popular are adding tons of the non-recyclable, non-biodegradable plastic K-cups […]
As those who live in this tragic beauty called life, as those who live at the intersection of sorrow and joy, we approach death with a strange mix of emotions. As those who follow Jesus, […]
What does it mean to be human? Does who we are lead to what we do? Does what we do lead to who we are? Or does Frank Sinatra have it right? It’s all mixed […]
Some of the most important moments in my life were times when people who cared for me pulled me aside and told me I was wrong. As kids, people told us we were wrong all […]
There is a Judge. And it’s not me. Neither is it you. Everyone who has suffered injustice longs for a judge who will render a just judgment, because that means liberation (from prison or slavery […]
We all live in an eternal now. Everything in our lives is in the present tense. The past is gone and untouchable and the future is unformed and unhatched. This moment right here is all […]
The phrase “love the sinner and hate the sin” has come under fire recently. Many question whether it’s really just a whitewashed version of hating both sinner and sin. Included in this questioning is the […]
As a parent, one of my jobs is getting my kids to do things they don’t want to do, because they simply need to do them. It’s a frustrating job, but we parents do it […]
Recently, a friend and I had a great time trading backhanded compliments — compliments that are really put-downs. Here are a few of them. Feel free to add some of your own in the comments. There […]
I’m not a great husband. I’m not the worst, either. Just middling. After 21 years of life together as husband and wife, you’d think that I’d have it figured out. But it’s this same old […]
So, public outrage forced the South Carolina legislature to take down the Confederate flag. Yippee. Americans should be so proud of ourselves for such a great accomplishment. OK. I’m being ironic. The truth is: We […]
We do a lot of hiking, which often takes us to mosquito infested areas. The hikes, the views, the conversations, all of it’s great. All of it except for those dratted blood-sucking pests. Thankfully, last […]
I am an American and grateful to be one. I have visited more than 20 countries and have lived for five years in Canada. Living outside of my home country and traveling widely around the […]
A few years ago, I had the chance to walk part of the Mall in Washington, D.C., and spend time in the Lincoln Memorial. Along with the huge and stunning sculpture of this gaunt giant […]
Dear Canada, You’re awesome. Really. I loved living in the Great White North for five years. And I will always be grateful that my oldest child was born in Vancouver. Thank you for excellent comedians. […]
Jesus said: Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you. Why do […]
He’s got that timeless voice and that classic look which make you shake your head when you hear that he’s only 25 years old and his first album just dropped this week. But Leon Bridges is the […]
These are tough days to be a Christian. They always have been difficult, and each generation deals with different difficulties in different ways. But the hostility nob is getting turned up and it’s easy to want to […]
What does the best kind of life look like? And how can we live it? If there are any questions worth pursuing, it’s these. Psalm 119 has an answer. This massive, 176-verse wisdom psalm is […]
Reading Psalm 113 surprised me. There seemed to be an abrupt shift from its beginning — where it talks about the magnificence of God — and its end. Here’s the psalm in its entirety: 1 […]
It’s pretty typical on Fathers’ Day for us kids to tell our fathers thanks for making us the people we are today. Same as with moms on Mothers’ Day. But I’d like to turn that […]
As the news unfolds about the young white man who entered an historic black church and killed nine people there, a number of things have passed through my head and heart, making me hurt along […]
Accusation is the #1 relationship killer. The pointed finger. The shaking head. The muttered comment. The flaming email. The rolled eyes. The sarcastic joke. The angry comment at the bottom of a blog post or […]
The phrase “the right side of history” has been tossed around a lot recently. It’s been used most recently in the debate surrounding same-sex marriage and in relation to domestic violence issues. Senator Richard Blumenthal […]
I have the ability to be a self-righteous, pompous jerk. I am accomplished at treating other as if they are less intelligent than I am. This is no pleasant thing to think about. So, I tend […]
… not because they have something we want to hear. It’s because they have something they want to say. When we listen just to what we want to hear, we miss out on several things. […]
The oldest of my four children is graduating from high school in a couple days. When he moves out of our house to attend University of Portland, he will be two weeks short of his […]
I love the meme that accompanies this post because it points to several mistakes about what it means to be the church while intending neither. 1. The first mistake is equating being in a building with church. […]
Every single day, my Facebook page shows wonderful pictures of couples celebrating their anniversaries together. I love it. Marriage is to be celebrated and enjoyed. The writer of Hebrews tells us in no uncertain terms: […]
I love my dog. Ebony comes when I call her. She goes to her bed when I tell her to. She’s always excited to see me. She does tricks when I offer her a treat […]
The stories we tell shape who we are. Take a quick look at the movies and TV shows you’ve watched on Netflix, Hulu, or whatever other way you ingest your video, and you’ll have a […]
A few years ago, John Daker took my home by storm. His failed attempt to sing a medley of songs as a fill-in singer on a local public broadcast station was truly hilarious. And so, […]
She’s hilariously quirky. Her song is trite. Her musicianship is weak. Her presentation is garish. But it works. All of the pieces come together in a wonderfully light-hearted way that is both self-expressive and ego-free, […]
“What do you want?” It’s the first thing Jesus speaks in John’s gospel. A question. And a simple one at that. But it’s one of the most powerful questions any of us is ever asked. […]
There is another kind of soldier that we often forget on Memorial Day: the martyr. Both the soldiers who take up arms to fight against evil and the martyr who takes up prayers to fight […]
The way community has been formed for much of the last 4,000 years has come unravelled in the last few decades. Where agrarian societies were primarily stable farming communities — your farm and your neighbors’ farms […]
One of our sanest writers is Wendell Berry. His contribution as a Christian essayist to the environmental movement has been unique and profound. His poetry, especially his Sabbaths collection, is evocative and wise. But it’s his […]
Relationships are both the means and the end of this life. We were made for community, and yet it is the most difficult thing we ever do. The biblical account confirms this. After an amazing […]
What we’re after is a life well-lived. Not just well-thought. Not just well-talked about. Not just well-reflected on. Not just well-prayed. These are all good things and a full life includes them. But a life […]
It’s only polite to listen to those who speak to us. It’s also impolite to remain silent when someone has just tried to engage us in a conversation. When someone speaks to me, I respond. […]
Once we’ve done the first step of Bible reading — listening to the God who speaks — we move on the the personal step: engaging. The second step in what is known as lectio divina is […]
There are four steps to the process of Bible reading referred to as “sacred reading” or lectio divina. The first of these is lectio, which simply refers to reading. As followers of Jesus, we know that we’re […]
Far too much attention has been given to the sermon as an event. I don’t deny that it is one. I am named after one of the greatest preachers ever. Peter’s sermon in Acts 2 […]
When I was a young journalist of 25, the art director of the magazine I was a junior editor for expressed her fondness and optimism for me by telling me repeatedly, “The world is your […]
Authenticity. We love it. We love the gritty, stripped down personality who says it like it is. We love the person who bares their soul. We dig musicians who reveal their innermost thoughts and hurts. We […]
Preachers gather compliments, most of which are merely polite: “Good sermon, pastor.” But one of the ones I cherish most was both simple and sincere: “You’ve taught me how to pray.” Early on in my […]
What does a pastor do when it’s Sunday and life has intruded so much during the week that there hasn’t been a chance to write a sermon? Or the sermon that has been written sucks […]
Since moving to Bend, we’ve become friends with the Strange family. I love that last name. It must draw lots of jokes and has probably been a weight for their teenage daughter. But what fun! […]
“In the Book of Exodus, God tells Moses that his name is Yahweh, and God hasn’t had a peaceful moment since.” — Frederick Buechner
Just a couple weeks after I became a pastor, my family and I were invited over to dinner by a family in our new church. Things seemed to be going well until I was asked a […]
Growing up, I was always called Peter. But when I started college, a friend started calling me Pete. Then I became a pastor and people seemed to want to call me by the more formal […]
My wife had a great conversation with a friend who was raised without faith. In the conversation, our friend asked my wife a variation on a question that people have been asking ever since the […]
When I first watched the movie I (heart) Huckabee’s years ago, it bounced around in my head for days. In it, there is a team of existential detectives who hilariously examine people’s lives in order to determine what question drives […]
The books we read, the stories we immerse ourselves in, give us an imagination for how to live the rest of our lives. So, when I come across one that shows me a better way […]
We’ve already noted the need to move from a focus on experience in worship to an encounter with God. Experiences are great, but when we make them the goal and/or measure of worship, we become […]
We gave Martin Luther King, Jr., a holiday and put his dream on the shelf. That often happens when those who led from the margins are officially recognized. Because of the role he played in […]
I’ve written elsewhere about the need to move the focus of worship from experience to encounter. If we gather to meet Our Triune God as a community, rather than to have a transcendent experience as […]
In a 2005 interview with Christianity Today, Eugene Peterson said, “Do we realize how almost exactly the Baal culture of Canaan is reproduced in American church culture? Baal religion is about what makes you feel […]
For a culture that is getting more and more irreligious, we have an abiding and growing fascination with evil. One of my cherished memories as a kid is waiting in line for hours to see […]
There are four sure-fire ways to kill a relationship. Most of us do aspects of each of them on a regular basis. And then we wonder why people are unhappy with us. Dr. John Gottman is […]
I’m not a curmudgeon. I don’t get sentimental about the supposedly good old days. I don’t gripe about kids these days. This world has always been a marvel and a mess. Kids have always been […]
I cuss. Probably more than I should. And far more than my kids think I do. There is a time for profanity. There is a time for exalted words that express a depth of feeling […]
The court cases are adding up. People, often Evangelical Christians, are catching flak for not being willing to provide a service to same-sex couples for their weddings. We’ve had bakers, photographers, and more recently florists who […]
“People who are trying to make this world worse are not taking the day off. Why should I?” — President Obama quoting Bob Marley It sounds like a great argument — not taking a day […]