A rendering of Psalm 111, which considers the fear of the Lord (a life oriented toward God) in response to his covenant loyalty.

A rendering of Psalm 111, which considers the fear of the Lord (a life oriented toward God) in response to his covenant loyalty.
A rendering of Psalm 110, a Messianic psalm that looks forward to the coming of the Messiah to bring final judgment to the earth.
A rendering of Psalm 109, a painfully angry prayer, asking God to take over the revenge boiling over within him.
(A David psalm for singing.) My heart won’t quit, God, Won’t get distracted. I’m here to sing. Yes, to make music, To give you my utmost. Wake up, piano! Wake up, guitar! I will wake […]
A rendering of Psalm 107, which considers the mercy-love of God that intervenes for us when we pray in the middle of our troubles.
My son and I finished our morning exercise routine and I was not feeling well. It wasn’t the normal exhaustion from pushing ourselves. It was my back. And it only got worse as the day […]
A rendering of Psalm 106, which looks back on how kind and forgiving God was to the ever-rebelling Hebrews during the Exodus and asks for the same mercy during the current sin-caused predicament.
A rendering of Psalm 105, which retells the story of the patriarchs and the Exodus as a reminder of God’s covenant loyalty to his people.
(A David psalm.) Bless Yahweh, soul within me. Bless Yahweh, every cell within my body. Yes! Bless Yahweh, soul within me. Don’t for a moment forget How good you’ve got it because of him. He […]
A rendering of Psalm 100, a favorite call to worship which reminds us that thanksgiving — the gift of thanks — is an everyday activity.
A rendering of Psalm 101, which sees what’s wrong in the world around but then looks inward — to home life and what the eyes look at — to seek change.
A rendering of Psalm 99, which considers how we might re-center our lives around God if we took his kingship seriously.
A rendering of Psalm 97, in which an electrical storm is compared to Yahweh’s justice breaking though the darkness and bringing light to the world, something our false concepts of “God” never do.
A rendering of Psalm 98, which is a call for all creation to join in a vast exclamation of praise to Yahweh who has remained faithful to his covenant love-bond with his people.
A rendering of Psalm 89, with struggles with a firm belief in the power and covenant loyalty of Yahweh and the reality of what looks like an abandonment of that covenant by Yahweh.
A rendering of Psalm 94, which calls on God to act as Judge, taking charge of revenge on those who trample the vulnerable and poor.
A rendering of Psalm 92, the Sabbath psalm, which looks forward to the setting right of all that’s upside down in the world when the ultimate Sabbath comes.
A rendering of Psalm 96, which envisions all creation worshiping Yahweh as he comes to bring justice to the earth.
A rendering of Psalm 95, which offers two options in how we relate to God: Either as our Maker we’re grateful to or as the one we complain about, leaving us restless and empty.
A rendering of Psalm 93, which highlights the majesty of God over against the chaotic power of the oceans, a seemingly unstoppable force for disorder in the ancient world.
A rendering of Psalm 91, a psalm of confidence in God, who will match our love for him with protection and happiness. While it may come across as simplistic, don’t forget that it is surrounded by lament psalms to which is offers a balance of sorts.
A rendering of Psalm 90, which is amazed at God’s immortality but struggles with our fleeting mortality, feeling it’s because God is angry with us.
A rendering of Psalm 87, which surprisingly lists Israel’s ancient enemies as being born in Zion, God’s home city, including them among his people.
A rendering of Psalm 85, which looks to Yahweh to restore his people like he did in the past and envisioning the characteristics of the good life as characters welcoming God home to live with us.
A rendering of Psalm 82, which looks at all of the injustice caused by those who should be ensuring justice and then looks to God to be the Judge the poor and vulnerable need.
A rendering of Psalm 83, where a long list of Israel’s enemies plot together in an unholy alliance. Headed in their current direction, they’ll be destroyed. But what if they were converted instead?
A rendering of Psalm 86, a prayer to live a whole-hearted life oriented toward God in the midst of a personal crisis.
A rendering of Psalm 81, which emphasizes listening which leads to obedience and wonders what would be different if God’s people actually listened and obeyed. We’d finally be satisfied.
A rendering of Psalm 80, which uses the image of a vine to represent God’s people and asks for help from the as-yet unknown Son of Man to resurrect the dead vine.
A rendering of Psalm 79, when the land had been invaded and devastation was both exterior and interior.
A rendering of Psalm 78, which looks back on Israel’s history of disobedience in an effort to learn covenant loyalty to God through remembering him and trusting him in all situations.
A rendering of Psalm 75, where God tells us to be patient with this upside-down world. He’ll take care of the arrogant powerful people in due time, setting everything right at last.
A rendering of Psalm 76, which looks to God to end war as he reigns from Salem/Peace Town and works justice in the world.
(Worship leader: This Asaph psalm is a kind and needed companion during depression.) I prayed my voice hoarse. With tears, I called to God, Needing him to hear, Needing him to help. My soul was […]
A rendering of Psalm 74, which looks back at what God did in Creation and Exodus and asks for the same mighty hand in the current calamity to create again by saving again.
A rendering of Psalm 73, which struggles with envy of successful celebrities until worship brings essential clarity.
(A Solomon psalm.) Make the king wise, Thoughtful, Discerning. Make our ruler righteous, Deciding what’s best for the people, Providing for your poor, God. Let peace and freedom ring From every mountainside And justice From every […]
A rendering of Psalm 71, which looks for God’s help in current trouble and envisions the party after rescue comes.
As we finish the first month of 2019, we’ve hit another milestone: 600 blog posts. When I started, I had no idea that we’d get to that many. But you kept reading and encouraging me […]
A rendering of Psalm 66, where personal struggle and rescue are seen in the light of what God has done in history, rescuing his people after they have struggled.
A rendering of Psalm 65, beginning with praise for God in the temple and then heading outdoors, where all of creation joins in the Creator’s praise.
A rendering of Psalm 64, a plea for God to intervene against the kind of people who con old people out of their retirement savings and other forms of injustice.
A rendering of Psalm 60, a frustrated prayer of feeling abandoned not too long before God dealt with everything David was struggling with.
A rendering of Psalm 63, a prayer when the soul feels like a desert, empty and thirsty for God.
A rendering of Psalm 59, a desperate plea for help from God while being slandered and threatened.
A rendering of Psalm 58, an angry David psalm about corrupt politicians and a justice system that promotes injustice.
A rendering of Psalm 69, a David psalm begging God for help and seeking justice as he dodges a crowd of haters.
A rendering of Psalm 68, a psalm of procession into worship which looks forward to a new exodus and a new settling of the land by the renewed people of God. It taunts other gods by giving the Cloud Rider title of Baal to Yahweh and minimizing the mountains they were worshiped on while magnifying Zion, Jerusalem’s temple mount.
(Worship leader: A Korah family psalm to be playing on that guitar from Gath.) The sweetest place on earth Is your house, Yahweh of heaven’s armies. My soul longs, Famished, Ravenous For the place where […]
“Help! Help! Please, help!” she cried as she ran through the snow toward our car. I had seen the headlights of a vehicle tipped on its side about 20 feet from the small highway road […]
A rendering of Psalm 88, a desperate prayer that spirals into darkness because of a feeling that not only has God rejected, but God is the source of personal suffering.
(A David psalm, a desperate prayer.) Anger isn’t what I need right now, Yahweh. A hard word and a frowning face Just might push me over the edge, My covenant-keeping God. Blood seeps from arrow […]
A rendering of Psalm 57, an exquisite David poem of worship written in the middle of terrible circumstances.
A rendering of Psalm 56, a David poem when God got him out of an impossible situation.
A rendering of Psalm 55, an anguished prayer in response to the betrayal of a close friend.
A rendering of Psalm 54, a brief David poem from when his back was up against the wall and a seemingly safe hiding place was uncovered by informers, putting him on the run again.
(Worship leader: Go full electric on this David-penned rocker.) Atheists are idiots. Stupidly godless, Emptying their lives of God Empties their lives. Their hearts cave in on themselves, Collapsed souls, Collapsed lives. All goodness squeezed […]
(Worship leader: A David poem about the time when that Edomite Doeg reported back to Saul, saying, “I found David at Abimelech’s house.”) Hey, you “superheroes,” You self-proclaimed big shots, So proud of the debris […]
(A David psalm.) Stop stressing About trouble-makers. Don’t take you cues From those who don’t have a clue About God. These one-hit wonders Will soon be forgotten, The world emptied Of their empty work, Their […]
(A David psalm.) Accept my soul, Yahweh, All of it. I’m handing it over to you. Be worthy of my trust, God, Because I’m looking to you to save me From shame, From disgrace. Congruence […]
A rendering of Psalm 18, A David prayer reflecting on when God turned certain defeat into overwhelming victory.
A rendering of Psalm 22, a prayer in the middle of feeling abandoned by God and yet looking forward to when God comes through and personal praise spills out on everyone else.
(For Jeduthan, the worship leader: A David psalm.) I made a promise to myself: Watch what you’re doing. No destructive talk. Leash your tongue While idiots and haters are around. So, I kept quiet. Totally […]
A rendering of Psalm 45, the only psalm about marriage.
A rendering of Psalm 44, a prayer for times when I remember how God has helped others but seems to be ignoring me in my pain.
Get me off the hook, my God. Show how true I am To this false nation. Pull me from the jaws Of these sharp-tongued liars. You’re supposed to be on my side, God. So, why […]
(An Asaph psalm.) The Forceful, God, Yahweh — He speaks, Calling the world to himself, All of it, From pole to pole. Out of Zion’s temple, Exquisite in it beauty, God shines. An inferno blazes […]
A rendering of Psalm 48, an ode to Jerusalem and God’s protection of his city and his people.
A rendering of Psalm 46, which rests is the security of God’s presence in the middle of political turmoil.
A rendering of Psalm 49, a wisdom poem about the emptiness of wealth and fame and the true equality brought by death.
(Worship leader: Here’s a Korah family psalm) On your feet, people! A standing ovation for God! Hoot and holler With joy. Yahweh towers over all. Breathtaking, He’s King over Everyone Everywhere. He’s crushed nations, Letting […]
A rendering of Psalm 35, which begs God to be the defense attorney who will vindicate from the poison accusations of haters.
Aiding the hurting, The helpless, The homeless Is the best kind of living. And Yahweh takes care Of care givers When they need it most. Yahweh takes of the side Of people who live this way. […]
Each day, a door opens, Revealing a hidden piece of chocolate, A tiny taste Of something sweet That whets the appetite For the Christmas feast to come. They are like cheap plastic cups In communion trays, […]
Like a dog At an empty water dish, Parched, That’s me, So terribly thirsty For God. My soul is dehydrated, Chapped and cracked, Empty of God — The bubbling, Refreshing, Life-giving God. Where can I go […]
A rendering of Psalm 40, where David remembers God’s faithfulness in the past and asks for it again in his current problem.
A rendering of Psalm 36, which compares a life lived without God to a life immersed in God’s life and love.
A rendering of Psalm 32, a David psalm, combining prayer and earned wisdom, stemming from confessed sin after a time of foolishly hiding it.
A rendering of Psalm 31, a psalm in the midst of shame and anxiety that finds hope and shame’s cure in God’s faithfulness.
A rendering of Psalm 29, a David psalm viewing an electrical storm roll from north to south and seeing in it the power of God, which he uses not for destruction, but for peace.
A rendering of Psalm 27, a prayer in the darkness, resetting the imagination from fear to God.
A rendering of Psalm 26, a prayer for vindication when falsely accused.
(A David psalm.) The earth is Yahweh’s. Everything in it is his: The dry land And all the people on it. He made it secure In the midst of chaos; He firmly established it, Even […]
(For the worship leader. A David psalm.) May Yahweh answer your prayer of distress. May you be protected by the authority of Jacob’s God. May your worship lead to his help. May support flow from […]
A rendering of Psalm 21, which glories in God’s strength and protection of Israel’s king.
A rendering of Psalm 10, which calls on God to deal with the bullies and abusers who think he won’t hold them to account.
I have finished writing a book on the first 50 psalms that is currently being looked at by a publisher. But I’ve been asked to add my own renderings of each of the psalms. So, […]
(For the worship leader. A David psalm.) The heavens shout God’s glory! The skies never stop talking About his creativity. All day, Every day, They just keep on speaking. All night, Every night, They share […]
A rendering of Psalm 30, a song David wrote when he was healed from a deadly illness and later used to celebrate the original Hanukkah, when the defiled and restored temple was rededicated.
A rendering of Psalm 23, which offers a picture of the contented life, something our discontented culture needs.
A rendering of Psalm 16, which rejects attempts at hedging our bets by relying on other sources of happiness than God.
(A David prayer.) I need your attention, Yahweh. I need some justice. I need you to take my agony seriously. I need you to hear my prayer. I’m not lying. I need you to vindicate […]
Sing your hearts out to Yahweh, You good and just people! Worship and integrity Are inseparable twins. Praise Yahweh with your guitar. Make exquisite music for him On your piano. Yahweh’s faithful character Can be […]
My youngest son is addicted to the piano. He plays it for hours every day. He watches endless videos of people playing piano. He spends his money on piano books. He falls asleep listening to […]