An integer is a whole number, not a fraction. It is complete. Nothing hiding. Not cracked. Unbroken. Integrity has to do with being an integer — being whole, honest, unhidden, lacking deception. My oldest son is […]

An integer is a whole number, not a fraction. It is complete. Nothing hiding. Not cracked. Unbroken. Integrity has to do with being an integer — being whole, honest, unhidden, lacking deception. My oldest son is […]
I keep finding that I know myself less than I thought I did. I don’t remember who said it first, but our hearts have reasons that reason knows nothing of. And I find that to […]
The site has been down for a bit, as I’ve switched hosting services in an effort to improve what I’ve been offering to you. There have been a few snags along the way (as always), […]
What is it that God is up to? What is it that God preoccupies himself with? If he had a hobby, what would it be? The answer is simple and obvious and yet we get it […]
“People who are trying to make this world worse are not taking the day off. Why should I?” — President Obama quoting Bob Marley It sounds like a great argument — not taking a day […]
One of the joys of the internet and social media is the many humorous posts and memes and photos and videos that are continually shared online. Laughter is liberating. Laughter liberates the weighed-down soul. It […]