It was Bring Your Dad to School Day and the little elementary school girl was so excited to introduce her father and tell the class what he does for work. “My Dad is a public […]

It was Bring Your Dad to School Day and the little elementary school girl was so excited to introduce her father and tell the class what he does for work. “My Dad is a public […]
I’ve had bad eyes most of my life. Without corrective lenses, the world at a distance has a softening hazy blur. When the time came to get my driver’s license in high school, I memorized […]
I used to check the news daily and often times throughout the day. I had an urge to know what was going on in the world around me. I’m not exactly sure why, but I […]
Writing anything requires a whole host of choices. We know and expect that, but it doesn’t keep us from questioning certain choices writers make. For instance, in the masterpiece The Wind in the Willows, Kenneth Grahame […]
During an election year, there’s no psalm that’s more relevant than Psalm 72, a prayer for a good leader for the nation. In every place around the world and in every era, there has been […]
I’m actually enjoying getting older. Sure, there are some new creases on my face and I’m not the athlete I was before. Sure, I get tired earlier and forget things easier. But I’m less anxious, […]
There are just a few perfect movies out there and The Princess Bride is one of them. Immensely quotable, a former roommate recorded the audio from the movie and listened to it over and over and […]
A friend recently asked the question, “Why do we pray?” I’m not sure what was behind the question, but I decided to take it seriously. If we’re honest, there are times when praying feels […]
There are times when life falls to pieces that can’t be put back together. It’s happened to me and I’ve watched it happen to others who are close to me. The doctor believes the cancer […]
As a kid, going to church meant getting dressed up in uncomfortable clothing. Wool pants. Shirts buttoned up to the collar. Clip on ties. Dress shoes. My Sunday best was my Sunday torture. I didn’t […]
She defined her life by her enemies. And I watched her move from one to the next and the next. As her pastor, I had a front row seat to it all. First, there were […]
I’m a mess. Sometimes, I’m a major mess. Most of the time, I’m a minor mess. But there’s always a mess. Sin is a problem. It always has been, always will be. Likewise, confession has […]
There are times when I get down on myself, having blow it yet again, doing the same stupid thing one more time. I forgot to pick up my son from school for the tenth time. […]
I wasn’t going to add my voice to the many others who crowd the end of each year with their evaluations of the new music released in 2019. But here I am, doing just that. […]
Some corners of culture, some places, some people seem both godless and god-forsaken. Some parts of our lives feel either fenced-off from God or ignored by our Maker. A quick look at the news or […]
[Published in the shadow of Neil Peart’s death on 7 January 2020.] I was in 8th grade when Moving Pictures was released. And I can still recall sitting transfixed in front of the massive family […]
Doing the work on Everyday Psalms: Ancient Prayers in Everyday Language was one of the greatest prayer experiences of my life. I’m excited to share it with you that it might be a good companion […]
Year endings and decade endings have people looking backward and forward at the same time. There’s something arbitrary about our calendars. And yet, we all use them and they shape the way we live our […]
When it comes time for Advent, the season of waiting in preparation for the coming of Jesus, we generally go back to the same passages in Luke and Matthew to retell the story. But when […]
You are complex. You cannot be reduced to a single number or to a four-letter personality type, as the Enneagram and Myer-Briggs tests try to do. There’s far more to you than that. But we […]
I was shocked to hear of the death of Miranda Harris, along with Chris and Susanna Naylor. Miranda founded A Rocha with her husband Peter more than three decades ago and Chris has been A […]
On Friday morning, I looked at my phone to see a text waiting for me. It was from my 17-year-old son who is taking a semester abroad, living with several families in Mexico. He was […]
I think about my death a lot. I imagine what it might be like to be on my death bed, so weak I need a machine to breathe for me. I wonder who might gather […]
Kings and queens don’t mean much to us today. The British royal family makes the news from time to time, but it’s usually because of their clothing styles and romantic escapades. They are almost completely […]
The way to tighten the bonds of a group is put them through an ordeal, to make their lives difficult, to make them feel persecuted, to make their cause seem unfairly attacked. The way to […]
They shut down the Three Mile Island nuclear power plant today. Yesterday, my son toured a completed but never turned on nuclear power plant in Washington. The reason it was never turned on? The fear […]
I spent three weeks this summer studying the Gospel of Mark with 20 teenagers. They were a great group and our conversations, as we meditated on every word and story in Mark, led to some […]
I have three teenagers and we listen to a lot of music. I also coach high school volleyball and lead a discipleship training program for teens. I am around teen culture a lot. I don’t […]
It’s already betraying you.
Opening prayer Here I am, Lord. I want to be fully present to you — all of me faced toward you, oriented toward you — so that I might fully engage with you. Be fully […]
Opening prayer Lord, I find myself unsettled by the people around me. I don’t like their politics. I don’t like their practices. Most of the time, I just put up with it. But sometimes, I […]
I’m finishing a couple-month break from blogging, giving myself some space and time from the overly inward exercise of writing. I needed to get out of myself and focus on the outward aspects of life. […]
“Why should anyone listen to you? What authority do you have?” The questions hung over me and I had no answer, so I just sat there in silence. John Zimmerman, my preaching professor, sat across […]
When I was a kid, there was a group of boys on our short, dead-end street who would play together. Among the many outdoor games we’d play was, of course, follow the leader. And Greg Smith […]
The first time I went to San José State University, it wasn’t there. I was a new student and had been given a time to come by the college to register for classes. I didn’t […]
Halfway through the exercise, a thought ran through my mind over and over again: “I don’t need this. Why am I doing this to myself? I hate this. I’m done.” And on that day, I […]
I grew up in a Christian tradition that holds to believer baptism, rejecting infant baptism. While I think there are valid arguments for both forms of baptism which both sides should consider, that wasn’t an […]
Sometimes, in order to tell a story, another story must be told first. Without the set-up story, the main story won’t have the same weight or meaning. I find myself doing this with my kids […]
One of my favorite musical works is the sublime Messiah by George Friedrich Handel. When I was in college, I listened to numerous recordings of it before buying two different versions: Antal Dorati’s clean and complete […]
Before we run, we walk. Before we walk, we crawl. And so our journey with Jesus in the Gospel of Mark starts with just one verse. Don’t worry, the pace will pick up. But it’s […]
I want to spend some time soaking in the Gospel of Mark. I need to spend some time with Jesus and I know of no better way than to read his story and listen to […]
The day after we lost Jan Peterson, we lost Charles Gordon Strom, a father figure to me whose influence at a pivotal time in my life has left an indelible mark. My first encounters with […]
Thermometers measure the temperature around them. Thermostats change the temperature around them. Every day and in every situation, I have the choice to be a thermometer or a thermostat. I can join in with those […]
A friend of mine may be losing his job. One of his co-workers (we’ll call him Larry) has decided that my friend (we’ll call him Jeff) is the problem in his life and that his […]
A rendering of the final stanza of Psalm 119, where each verse starts with the Hebrew letter Taw (verses 169-176). A further exploration into hearing the Voice of God.
A rendering of the 21st stanza of Psalm 119, where each verse starts with the Hebrew letters Sin or Shin (verses 161-168). A further exploration into hearing the Voice of God.
A rendering of the 20th stanza of Psalm 119, where each verse starts with the Hebrew letter Resh (verses 153-160). A further exploration into hearing the Voice of God.
A rendering of the 19th stanza of Psalm 119, where each verse starts with the Hebrew letter Qoph (verses 145-152). A further exploration into hearing the Voice of God.
A rendering of the 18th stanza of Psalm 119, where each verse starts with the Hebrew letter Tsadhe (verses 137-144). A further exploration into hearing the Voice of God.
A rendering of the 17th stanza of Psalm 119, where each verse starts with the Hebrew letter Pe (verses 129-136). A further exploration into hearing the Voice of God.
A rendering of the 16th stanza of Psalm 119, where each verse starts with the Hebrew letter Ayin (verses 121-128). A further exploration into hearing the Voice of God.
I know this is a bit self-indulgent, but I have to share this video of my son’s piano concerto. I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised. Enjoy!
A rendering of the 15th stanza of Psalm 119, where each verse starts with the Hebrew letter Samekh (verses 113-120). A further exploration into hearing the Voice of God.
A rendering of the thirteenth stanza of Psalm 119, where each verse starts with the Hebrew letter Mem (verses 97-104). A further exploration into hearing the Voice of God.
A rendering of the twelfth stanza of Psalm 119, where each verse starts with the Hebrew letter Lamedh (verses 89-96). A further exploration into hearing the Voice of God.
A rendering of the eleventh stanza of Psalm 119, where each verse starts with the Hebrew letter Kaph (verses 81-88). A further exploration into hearing the Voice of God.
A rendering of the tenth stanza of Psalm 119, where each verse starts with the Hebrew letter Yodh (verses 73-80). A further exploration into hearing the Voice of God.
A rendering of the ninth stanza of Psalm 119, where each verse starts with the Hebrew letter Teth (verses 65-72). A further exploration into hearing the Voice of God.
A rendering of the seventh stanza of Psalm 119, where each verse starts with the Hebrew letter zayin (verses 49-56). A further exploration into hearing the Voice of God.
A rendering of the sixth stanza of Psalm 119, where each verse starts with the Hebrew letter was (verses 41-48). A further exploration into hearing the Voice of God.
A rendering of Psalm 119:57-64 (each verse starting with the Hebrew letter Heth), which continues an immersion into a life lived in response to the Voice of God.
A rendering of Psalm 119:33-40 (each verse starting with the Hebrew letter He), which continues an immersion into a life lived in response to the Voice of God.
A rendering of the 14th stanza of Psalm 119, where each verse starts with the Hebrew letter nun. Here, the psalmist pushes through rejection by the cultured haters of faith.
A rendering of Psalm 119:25-32 (each verse starting with the Hebrew letter daleth), which continues an immersion into a life lived in response to the Voice of God.
A rendering of the third stanza of Psalm 119, where each verse starts with the Hebrew letter gimel. Here, the psalmist pushes through rejection by the cultured haters of faith.
A rendering of Psalm 148, which calls on all creation to praise God and then watches as God shares his strength with his people.
A rendering of Psalm 147, which worships God for his Word that brings life to the natural world and life to our souls.
A rendering of Psalm 145, which praises God for his kindness and compassion to all humanity and all creation, leading to a response of praise.
A rendering of Psalm 138, which thanks God for his love that considers the lowly in the face of gods and kings.
A rendering of Psalm 144, which considers the role God has in shaping a happy, prosperous nation.
A rendering of Psalm 141, which asks God for help avoiding temptation with the help of a kindly slap in the face.
A rendering of Psalm 140, seeking God’s help from violent and slanderous people.
A rendering of Psalm 137, a graphic and painful desire for revenge from a disheartened exile longing for ruined Jerusalem.
A rendering of Psalm 136, which tells of creation and salvation with the refrain “His relentless love never stops” 26 times, driving home the point that everything God does emerges from his tenacious love.
A rendering of Psalm 135, a call to praise the real God who created the world and is actively involved in the world, unlike the empty concepts of “God” people make for themselves.
A rendering of Psalm 134, which calls on those who do the menial jobs of taking care of the sanctuary to use that time to pray and praise.
A rendering of Psalm 132, which soaks in the joy of God’s covenant with King David., establishing the kingship and the Zion temple.
A rendering of Psalm 131, which pops the ego bubble, seeking contentment in God.
A rendering of Psalm 130, where the light of a new dawn offers hope that Yahweh will bring a new day during a dark time of life.
(A song for pilgrims on the road up to Zion.) All of you Living in a God-ward direction, Living the life he gave you In the way he gave it to be lived Are living […]
A rendering of Psalm 129, a prayer that those who have pushed us around will go away and never bother us again.
A rendering of Psalm 127, which considers the value of work and rest and the the greatest legacy you can ever have: kids.
A rendering of Psalm 126, reflecting on the joy of those returned from exile, looks forward to God turning current crying into future laughing because of how God will turn things right-side up again.
A rendering of Psalm 125, which envisions God surrounding his people, protecting them so that they don’t resort to the bad behavior our leaders often exhibit.
A rendering of Psalm 124, reflecting on God’s faithfulness to help when we were in a powerless position and fearing the worst.
A rendering of Psalm 123, which looks to God for favor in a culture where we experience so much contempt.
A rendering of Psalm 22, a prayer for the peace of Jerusalem, whose name means City of Peace and home to Yahweh’s temple.
A rendering of Psalm 120, a prayer of helplessness by someone longing for peace but living among people clamoring for war and whose words are violent.
A rendering of Psalm 118, which looks forward to the celebration parade for salvation he’s expecting from God.
A rendering of brief Psalm 117, which praises God for his love and faithfulness to all people, not just his favorites.
A rendering of Psalm 116, exuberant in gratitude for being saved by God from certain death.
A rendering of Psalm 115, which considers the truth that we become like the “God” we worship, so we’d better worship the loving and powerful God and not some lifeless “God” of our own creation.
A rendering of Psalm 114, which sees the Exodus through a creative lens, as if the creation itself was being playful as it aided God’s people in their escape from Egypt.
A rendering of Psalm 113, which considers the greatness of God and yet his willingness to be involved in the lives of those who are the least and the last of us.